06 February 2010

Two years of LMunk!

On the 5th we celebrated LMunk's second birthday. It doesn't seem quite possible that two years have passed since we welcomed her into our family, but it seems the last month or so has brought on a lot of growth and maturity in our girl, and I'd say two fits her rather nicely.

We started the day with birthday Skype visits with grandparents and my sister. LMunk was so happy to see everyone and tell them about her adventures in potty training (mostly just that she uses the potty now) and showing off her big girl panties. While talking with them on Skype, she got to open gifts that the grandparents sent , so we all got to share in her excitement together. Among favorite gifts: a bouncy blue dog made out of the same material as exercise balls. Also, we have our first set of Legos!

After our video calls we took the wees to a cute little restaurant in town called Little Star Kid's Cafe. The place is packed with play houses, slides, balls (the kind you play in), dress up clothes, baby dolls + accessories, grocery carts, play kitchens, and etc. They also have exersaucers and bouncy seats for little babies. And germs. The girls are wild about the place. Me, not so much, but for her special day I braved up, made myself forget about the icky little critters passing from child to toy to child, and happily took the girls for some fun play. LMunk found a sweet baby doll and carried her around almost the whole time. JMunk had more fun playing dress-up (especially as Snow White) and bringing mama loads of groceries in her shopping cart. WMunk spent a good bit of time in an exersaucer, and he really enjoyed it. DaddyMunk and I ate pork cutlet and tried to scoop bites of it and rice into the girls mouths as they passed by. When they were exhausted, we went back home where we all took a big nap!
The wee Munks at the Kid's Cafe

We woke up feeling festive, and good thing, because it was time for the birthday party! We celebrated with our friends who were kind enough to open their home to us, since our apartment is a bit tight for both of our families to fit comfortably in. They had decorated with posters and streamers and balloons, and LMunk was made to feel really special.

LMunk with her balloon doppelganger! She was so happy to take it home after the party.

For dinner we had pulled barbecue pork and chicken, homemade coleslaw, potato chips, and Fancy Macaroni (check out the recipe - it's something super special). For dessert I made a devil's food chocolate cake with ganache frosting. LMunk wanted a flower cake, so I threw some flowers on for her. The cake was good, but the frosting was just yum. (We definitely didn't eat it for breakfast for the next few days. That would just be disgusting. Mmmmmm....)

The flower cake

And again, 'cause my mama still likes to see my artwork.

JMunk may have gotten a jump start on blowing out the candles. I don't think LMunk noticed.

Itty bitty girl eats colossal piece of cake.

Unfortunately LMunk's big present from the family didn't arrive until just before party time, and as it required assembly, she didn't get it until the morning after her birthday. LMunk always wants to help me in the kitchen, but unfortunately I don't have enough stools to let both girls climb up with me at the same time, so they have to take turns. So for this birthday, LMunk got a very fun and very colorful kitchen of her own (which she of course is happy to share with her big sis =) ) so she can be in her kitchen, in my kitchen, working with me. It only took me about two hours to put together, and the look of glee on her face when she came out of the bedroom in the morning was priceless.

JMunk helps LMunk break in the new kitchen by making (real) sandwiches for the two of them.

We praise God for two fun and adventure-filled years with our darling little LMunk!


  1. aw! Happy birthday! We have a similar kitchen and the girls just LOVE it! And I'm with ya on those germ-infested places. I spend most of the time chasing them with antibacterial gel and making sure they don't put their fingers in their mouth. :D It's exhausting. :D

  2. What sweet photos! Your girls look so happy, and I loved seeing how WMunk has grown in the past few months. Happy belated birthday to LMunk!
